
A day trip to Amboseli is a perfect opportunity to witness diverse wildlife, including the park’s renowned elephant herds, while enjoying spectacular views of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s tallest peak. With Annest Kenya Safaris, visitors are guaranteed a well-organized, thrilling, and seamless day trip adventure to this iconic park.

Annest Kenya Safaris offers a unique, immersive experience that combines expert guidance, comfort, and safety. As a locally owned and operated company, Annest Kenya Safaris has built a reputation for delivering authentic Kenyan safari experiences tailored to meet the specific interests of travelers. Whether it’s witnessing the majestic elephants or photographing breathtaking landscapes, Annest Kenya Safaris ensures every moment of the trip is memorable. Their intimate knowledge of Amboseli allows visitors to maximize their wildlife encounters and capture the perfect shots of Mount Kilimanjaro in the background.

From Nairobi to Amboseli

Early Morning Departure from Nairobi

The Amboseli Day Trip begins early in the morning to make the most of the day in the park. Departing from Nairobi at around 4.00 AM ensures that you arrive at Amboseli National Park in time to enjoy a full day of exploration and game drives. This early start is essential not only to beat the Nairobi traffic but also to arrive at the park before the wildlife retreats into the shade during the heat of the day. Annest Kenya Safaris provides comfortable transport, making the journey smooth and enjoyable.

Kenya wildlife

A journey to Amboseli day trip

Traveling to Amboseli National Park

The journey from Nairobi to Amboseli National Park takes approximately four hours, covering a distance of about 240 kilometers. During the drive, you can take in the scenic views of Kenya’s rural landscapes, passing through small towns and vast plains. If lucky, you may catch sight of Mount Kilimanjaro’s snow-capped peak as you approach the park. Annest Kenya Safaris ensures a comfortable trip with modern vehicles equipped with air conditioning, making the journey as pleasant as the destination.

Morning Game Drive with Annest Kenya Safaris

Upon arrival at Amboseli National Park

There shall be a stop at the Ol Tukai Lodge for a buffet breakfast. Upon arrival at Amboseli National Park the first game drive of the day starts as soon as you enter the park.  Annest Kenya Safaris’ experienced guides have an intimate knowledge of the park’s terrain and the best spots to observe wildlife. The morning hours are ideal for game viewing, as many animals are active during this time. Expect to see herds of elephants, grazing zebras, antelopes, and possibly even predators such as lions and hyenas stalking their prey.

Amboseli day trip
Kenya wildlife

Encounter with African giant

Encountering Elephants in Their Natural Habitat

Amboseli National Park is famous for its large elephant herds, which are among the most impressive in Africa. With Annest Kenya Safaris, you will have the opportunity to get up close to these majestic creatures as they move through the park’s open plains and marshlands. The guides are experts in reading animal behavior, ensuring a safe and respectful encounter with these gentle giants.

Morning Game Drive with Annest Kenya Safaris

Capturing Views of Mount Kilimanjaro

No trip to Amboseli is complete without stopping to admire the breathtaking views of Mount Kilimanjaro. The towering peak provides a stunning backdrop to the park’s wildlife and is especially beautiful in the early morning or late afternoon when the light is soft and the sky clear. Annest Kenya Safaris ensures that you have ample opportunities to capture this iconic sight, which makes for incredible photos and lasting memories.

Amboseli day trip
Amboseli day trip

A journey to Amboseli day trip

Lunchtime Break

After an exhilarating morning of game drives and exploration, a well-deserved lunch break awaits.Lunch will be served at the Amboseli Serena Lodge, one of the nicest hotels in the park.This is a chance to relax, stretch your legs, and take in the stunning surroundings before continuing with the afternoon activities.

Morning Game Drive with Annest Kenya Safaris

Afternoon Game Drive: More Wildlife to Explore

After a refreshing lunch break, it’s time for another exciting game drive through the park. The afternoon hours offer a different perspective on Amboseli’s wildlife. As the heat of the day subsides, many animals become more active again. Annest Kenya Safaris tailors this part of the trip to ensure that travelers have a chance to explore areas that weren’t visited during the morning game drive. With the park’s diverse landscape, you may come across animals you didn’t spot earlier, such as hippos wallowing in the marshes or giraffes gracefully browsing on acacia trees.

The afternoon drive is also a prime time for spotting predators. Lions, hyenas, and cheetahs may be seen preparing for their evening hunts. The guides with Annest Kenya Safaris have a deep understanding of animal behavior and know where to look for these elusive creatures, enhancing your chances of seeing them in action.

Kenya wildlife

A journey to Amboseli day trip

Wrapping Up the Day in Amboseli

As the day draws to a close, Annest Kenya Safaris organizes one final game drive through the park. This last drive is an opportunity to take in the beauty of Amboseli one more time before heading back to Nairobi. The fading light of the late afternoon creates a magical atmosphere, with the colors of the landscape shifting from golden hues to the deep shadows of dusk. It’s a peaceful time in the park, with animals preparing for the night.

Before leaving, the team at Annest Kenya Safaris ensures that you’ve had the chance to see as much wildlife as possible and that all your questions about the park and its ecosystems have been answered. This closing phase of the day trip allows for some quiet reflection on the incredible sights you’ve witnessed.

Morning Game Drive with Annest Kenya Safaris

Return Journey to Nairobi

Following the final game drive, the return journey to Nairobi begins. Departing from Amboseli around 4:30 PM ensures that you arrive back in the city by 8:30 PM, just in time to enjoy a relaxing evening after an action-packed day. During the ride back, travelers can share stories of their favorite moments from the day, and perhaps even catch a final glimpse of Mount Kilimanjaro’s snow-capped peak as it fades into the horizon.

Annest Kenya Safaris provides a comfortable and safe journey back, with guides making sure that travelers are dropped off at their accommodation or agreed-upon location in Nairobi.

What to Expect:

    • Private transportation in a 4×4 safari jeep
    • Early morning and afternoon game drives with a professional guide
    • Stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro
    • Close encounters with elephants and other wildlife
    • Maasai people and their homesteads

What’s Included:

  • Pickup and drop-off from Nairobi (hotel, residence, or airport)
  • Park entrance fees
  • Game drives in a safari jeep
  •   buffet breakfast.
  • Picnic lunch

Not Included In the Tour Price:

– Bottled & Soft Drinks
– Items and services of a personal nature
– Tips & Gratuities.

Prices Guide


1 person $420
2 persons$290
3 persons $240
4 persons$220
5-6 persons $200